What does freedom mean to me? [Prev|Next|Index] I wrote a somewhat lame essay about what freedom means to me. Then I looked around at some of the other things people had done, and I was completely blown away. So, in true Web tradition, I offer you a couple of links promising to be better than what you've got on your screen now. To me, there are two main points. First, there is no real difference between the censorship imposed by a despotic regime such as China or Zambia and the kind we've just had signed into law. Declan McCullagh's Net Censorship and Zambian Dictators really drove that home for me. The second point is that there is a fear abroad in the land, a fear that reaches deep into the collective soul of Americans, a fear that the Internet contains dangerous information, a fear that has been manufactured almost out of whole cloth. Of course in any medium which really has freedom of speech, there will be some dangerous information. That used to be ok, but for some reason now it's not. I'm still struggling, trying to understand why, but in the meantime, Mike Godwin's recent speech on The Backlash Against Free Speech on the Net describes the fear better than anything else I've seen. [24 hours of democracy] --------------- Raph Levien home